ELGIBILITY: All applicants must be U.S. residents. Candidates must be the brain tumor patient; parent/guardian of; or a financially bound relative of a person diagnosed with a brain tumor. Relationships are limited to spouse, children, parents, and siblings. All applications require the signature of the patient/next of kin; parent/guardian and must be accompanied by proof of a brain tumor diagnosis such as hospital statement showing services related to diagnosis. Supporting documentation regarding financial hardships during and/or following the diagnosis should also accompany the application (ex. past due hospital bills).
Note: Funds will be distributed on a first come first serve basis (check website for availability Funds are made payable to the patient or next of kin if patient has transitioned; parent/guardian. Maximum amount awarded is $2500.00.
A HUSBANDS HOPE: Must be the HUSBAND of the brain tumor patient. Must demonstrate financial hardship during and/or after the diagnosis.
A WIFE’S WISH: Must be the WIFE of the brain tumor patient. Must demonstrate financial hardship during and/or after the diagnosis.
A CHILD CARES: Must be age 18 or older. Must be the CHILD of the brain tumor patient. Must be a caretaker of the brain tumor patient. Must demonstrate financial hardship during and/or after the diagnosis.
MY BROTHER’S/SISTER’S KEEPER: Must be age 18 or older. Must be the SIBLING of the brain tumor patient. Must be a caretaker of the brain tumor patient. Must demonstrate financial hardship during and/or after the diagnosis.
A PERSISTENT PATIENT/PARENT: Must be a brain tumor SURVIVOR or parent/guardian of a minor previously or currently diagnosed with a brain tumor. Must demonstrate financial hardship during and/or after the diagnosis.